维多利亚培训中心(Victoria Training Center (Toronro))
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How to improve your small talk & presentation skill
作者: 维多利亚英语名师Eric Liu(谢绝转载)
Who am I?
My name is Eric Liu. I’m a lucky guy. That is, I win things. I win jobs. I am so unusually lucky that I sent in 5 resumes, walked into 5 interviews, and walked out with 5 jobs. Generally speaking if a job posting interests me there
s a pretty good chance I will get there and win it. I hear you say: whats your secret? My secret is I know how to talk. In March 2001 I came to Canada with an engineering degree. I was a new immigrant from China just like you. But and this is an important but I took a different path. When most of my Chinese friends invested 3-4 years learning another degree or designation, I spent the same 3-4 years learning speaking skills in public speaking clubs. When my friends held back and closed themselves from the world I reached out and spoke out. Notice that I played the game differently. And the strategy paid off. I became a 2-time first place winner of speech contests and I have attained the recognition of Advanced Communicator. Professionally I have worked 5 jobs in ING Direct, ATI Technologies, CIBC, GE Money Canada, and most recently, Scotiabank. I currently work as the Director for Scotiabank managing consumer credit risk in Central and South America. You think Ive made all these achievements because I am capable? ... No, I’ve made all these achievements because I know how to talk and present myself.
What do I teach?
Why do you come to Victoria College? To learn, of course. But don’t you think you already know enough? Do you realize to know is one thing and to show what you know is quite another. Much has been said about the keys to success in today’s job market: knowledge, skills, and experience are important; communication however, is critical. If two otherwise equally qualified individuals compete for the same position, the one with better communication skill gets the job. Some people say knowledge is power. No, knowledge isn’t power. Knowledge plus the ability to show it is power. This workshop isn’t about knowledge. It’s about the ability to show it. It’s about communication. It’s about marketing. It’s about presenting and promoting YOU!
Small Talk
You realize that small talk happens a dozen times a day – on your way to office, riding elevator with a co-worker, attending a meeting, picking up your kids from day care. The skill of small talk comes in handy in many situations such as job interview, and business meeting. If you sit there and allow an awkward moment of silence, the people who sit with you are not going to feel comfortable. If they don’t feel comfortable with you, they will hire someone else, and they will give their business to someone else. You see small talk has a social purpose – it breaks the ice, clears the way, and lays the foundation for any relationship. Without small talk you may never get to big talk or real conversation.
Speaking skill is learned
When you see those people who are smiling and happily mingling and talking, you think they are born with the skill, don’t you? It’s not true! Very few people are natural speakers; most people have to work at it. They have read books, listened to CDs, watched videos, hired coaches, gone to seminars. In 2005 I went to Toastmasters International convention in downtown Toronto. I paid 150 bucks a day for 3 days in a row. You think it’s expensive? You think I’m crazy? Think about 10,000 people from around the world who paid for their flight, hotel, convention – everything out of their own pockets just to watch some of the best speakers speak. And they were just ordinary people who wanted to improve their speaking skill. Don’t you think we have some catch-up to do?
Many people said, I have tried so many times and given up so many times. I am still me, the same me who can’t speak and can’t communicate. I agree after so many times it’s hard to believe that effective communication is still possible. But you don’t give up so easily. That’s why you’re here. Now you’re asking me: Eric, what’s your secret? How did you do it?
It’s a process
It’s a painful process … But it doesn’t have to be. I’m not saying it’s easy but it can be fun and enjoyable. I’ve done it 2 years and I enjoy every moment of it. Enjoyment is what you need and what I will provide. Enjoyment is what keeps you going when the going gets tough. Will you give up on something you enjoy doing even if it’s hard? No.Success is also a habit. A good habit is another thing you need to keep you going. This workshop helps you make a habit of writing & speaking.
Spread the good news!
Speaking skill can be learned. Here is a 6-word mantra. If you take nothing else with you from this presentation please take this: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish, Stay Noticed. When you are hungry you eat anything you can possibly find. When you are foolish you take risk. When you are noticed opportunity finds you.
Last word: I hope you dance again!
Let me explain how this works. If you remember university you must remember the weekend ball dance at student café, that’s where you court your favorite girls, remember? You were brave but you were such bad dancers. Yet you were smart and you had a strategy. Now, when it comes to speaking you follow exactly the same strategy: 1) you come to my workshop. I teach you how to write and how to speak in a safe, encouraging environment. As a matter of fact all my students start speaking in the first of 10 sessions; 2) you join a public speaking club to gain stage time. 3) after rounds of practice you will be able to speak comfortably and confidently in your company – you save face in the life-or-death speaking engagements. You realize there are only two ways to save face: 1) remain faceless or 2) lose face, learn from it, and get better.
If you remember university and the weekend ball dance the same strategy that worked for you back then will now work for you just fine. Hey guys, I mean all of you, I hope you dance again!

 想在面试中自信流利的表达 想在职场中轻松自如的交谈
(Eric Public Speaking and Small Talk Workshop)

【课程内容Presentation Skills & Small Talk一类的训练是帮助我们摆脱职场内外交流困境的最好方法,这种训练,可以帮助你学会各种经典的职场交流技巧和轻松的交流主题,如电影、球类、交通、服装,化妆,新闻等等,只要你经过练习,一定会有成效。一旦你可以就一些话题和别人找到契合点,你在职场交流中就不再怯场,自信油然而生,由此赢得了老板同事的好感,自己不再有边缘人的感觉,良好的人际互动将使自己的工作顺风顺水,好事不期而至。华人该如何快速提高Presentation技巧?经验丰富的Eric Liu老师,告诉您他的经验之谈,以及在北美得体交流的技巧,让您在西人同事及上司面前自信地展现流利的英语。
1Leapfrogging your career using speaking skill as a leverage
2Becoming an interesting person through effective speaking
3Increasing level of confidence in social setting - a role model for your children to look up to
【授课老师】Eric LiuScotiabank Risk Department DirectorCIBC Toastmaster 演讲大赛两次一等奖得主,曾被学员亲切称为“平民英语大师”。Eric2001年登陆加拿大,和其他新移民不同的是别人花34年拿学历,而他用4年的时间练习“Presentation Skill”,而结果就是他投了5份简历而且获得了5个面试机会,最终5个大公司都给了他Offer。很多人都对他成功就业感到不解,而他的秘诀就是深知"HOW TO TALK"! 拥有东方传统冷静激情的Eric,极具个人魅力。

【学员们谈Ericsmall talk & presentation skill课程】
I love speaking about speaking, especially when I get paid for doing what I enjoy doing. Do you know what my best moment is? Get paid. Well that certainly is a good moment, but not the best. My best moment is when I receive positive feedback from my students, such as the following:
·   Eric is a highly effective communicator.
·   Eric is a creative kinda guy.
·   Eric changed my thinking just a few degrees – I now see a whole new world!
·   Thank you Eric for this incredible experience. I am deeply impressed by your diligence and passion. You are a unique and excellent teacher. I can feel the excitement within   everyone in your class. It is you, Eric, who inspired us all to stand up and speak. As you said the end of the workshop marks the beginning of my speaking journey. And what I have learned from you will carry me a long way.
·   I highly recommend this workshop to those who are struggling with expressing themselves.

 职场英语沟通技巧和策略(Speaking & Writing)
Speaking & Writing Strategies for technical professionals
【课程介绍】Are you a non-native English speaker working in Canada? If so, then this course is for you.When you are in a meeting or writing business correspondence you can be at a disadvantage because you are speaking and writing in a foreign language. Learn the subtleties and nuances of communicating effectively in a business environment.
This course will:
help you to improve your speaking and writing skills
give you the confidence you need to be successful in your career
help improve the perception your superiors and clients have of your abilities
【主讲人】Nita Azuaga Nita has 20 years experience working at both the Federal and Provincial levels of government. A dynamic and highly engaging educator and presenter with the ability to motivate and inspire others through superior communication and visioning skills. She has been conferred a Bachelor of Arts, Honours degree from Trent University and will receive her Bachelor of Education from the University of Toronto in June of 2012. She is also fluent in English, French and Spanish. 

或周日组第一次课:201316(周日)1:00pm,以后固定在每周日1:00pm- 5:00pm
【授课老师】Jerry Dai;潜能英语的发明人;加拿大十大杰出华人青年之一;安省政府十年杰出义工奖得主;中国人民大学汉青经济与金融高级研究院英语口语兼职教授;多伦多知名中英双语电视节目主持人;中央电视台,黑龙江电视台,中国国际广播电台英语学习栏目特邀嘉宾;中国工商银行总行英语内训讲师;外研社为其量身定做出版北美文化之旅系列音像制品丛书。其发明的潜能英语学习法获得加拿大政府专项拨款及大力推广,近几年来帮助上万华人突破英语学习的障碍,绝对不同于传统的英语教学方式,全面提高英语听说能力,立竿见影。
他,30岁,在中国崭露头角,潜能英语成为中国金融界首选内培英语方法;外研社为其量身订做北美文化系列教材。中国国际广播电台“ China Drive 轻松杂志 ”节目特邀嘉宾。中国人民大学汉青经济与金融高级研究院英语口语兼职教授。

- 掌握基础法语词汇,日常生活用语,法语发音规律以及单词拼读规则。
- 掌握基本语法,时态,句型结构等知识,能够在日常交流和写作中熟练运用法语里最常用的三个时态(一般时,过去时,将来时)。
- 具备基本的法语会话能力,能在工作面试中用法语中作自我介绍,陈述自己的教育背景,从业经历,家庭状况,以及个人优势与专长。
【授课老师】Mr. Zhang就读于魁北克省,蒙特利尔市,著名的CONCORDIA大学,法语系专业本科生。毕业后,继续攻读 COMPUTER SCIENCE,获得计算机学士学位。在加拿大居住的11年里,前后在SEARSSCOTIABANKBMO 等多家银行及大公司从事法语销售工作。Mr. Zhang会五国语言(汉语,英语,法语,日语,韩语),在语言研究方面有突出的成绩。精通外语入门技巧,能帮助学生们迅速有效地掌握法语的发音规律和语法要领。其诙谐有趣的授课风格,成功地调动学生们学习法语的积极性和主动性,让学生们在欢快愉悦的课堂气氛中,学习法语单词,感受法兰西文化的魅力。

【主讲人:Steven12 Years ago moved to Canada. Had done some IT training coures in Victoria College 10 years ago. He had served for a small IT company as IT department manager. He started financial service business 8 years ago which mainly focuses on commercial lending and business consulting. And during the passed 12 years, he took lots of different kinds of jobs and businesses which helped himself keeping on impoving and sharpening his people skills, especially on how to deal with people from different backgrounds. In his business practices, he found that most of people are good at "hard" skills, but very limited on "soft" skills. As Chinese Canadian and one of the trainee of Victoria College, he does has the intention to share something of what he loves.
1. how to deal with the your boss, especially who speaks the English you are hard to catch
2. how to deal with the co-staff/workers you dislike
3. how to let others to accept you when you just got the position
4. How to pull yourself out of the dilemmatic situation and rise up
5. How to creat a happy / comfy interpersonal environment to enjoy your office life

1020(周六)Free Seminar安排早知道】
1:00pm 免费讲座:如何一次性通过电话面试!
很多朋友一直在等待这个讲座,这次可不能再错过了随着职位急剧增多和面试机会的大幅增加,越来越多的朋友要面临电话面试。电话Interview是面试的第一关也是最重要一关,因为这直接影响到能否获得亲临面试的机会,同时,由于不能做到面对面的交流并且缺乏写、画交流的辅助,对于非英语语种的华人来说也是最难的一关。所以,如果闯关失败,HR面试和技术面试根本无从谈起,最终将落得空有一身报国志。鉴于此,维多利亚出重拳邀请到此方面专家,现任世界500强公司的高级技术及面试主管Victor Guo分享成功电话面试技巧秘笈,一定会为大家提供最直接、最有效的帮助!
【主讲人】Victor Guo; 现就职于NASDAQ上市公司Senior Consultant。曾就职于全球最大的微软Solution Consulting公司以及Indigo公司,担任Senior Consultant多年,在公司内专门负责技术interview,尤其是电话Interview,属于电话面试的专家!在北美十几年的面试过程中,他总结了大量的经验之谈,本次讲座他会以面试官和应试者两方面的角度,谈电话interview的核心话题,分析华人在面试中的常见弊端,让大家受益非浅!
1. 面试者的心态
1. 应试者如何展示自己的技能

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