西人名师带来经典课程——“职场英语沟通技巧和策略(Speaking & Writing)”
Speaking & Writing Strategies for technical professionals
【课程介绍】我们华人特别是技术人员往往着眼于自身技术的提高,忽略了与同事的沟通交流,但多数在职场中得不到应有的提升,内心的委屈无从诉说,也无法诉说,这时方才体会到旁人常说的职场长存勾心斗角,职场有时比战场还要惨烈的道理,但这就是职场的可怕,我们无法怨恨他人的把戏,只能后悔自己没有多学好职场的生存法则。其实职场最重要的一条生存法则就是——良好的沟通技巧。卡耐基曾说过:一个人的成功,15%靠他的专业知识,85%则靠他的与人沟通能力。置身于职场复杂人际环境中,与自我、与上司、与同事、与下属关系,以及它们交织在一起的各种交叉关系,如何处好这些方面的关系,不仅关系到您的安身立命,还关乎您的事业成败。想要提高职场生存的个人综合素质,想要在职场上充分实现自我价值,就要拥有别人更多的处世智慧与为人艺术。职场沟通做好,才有可能增强个人能力,在工作中获得更多资源和更大支持。不妨改变您进行某些交谈的方式,而不仅仅只是将遣词用字重新排列组合。您如何交谈是攸关生活品质的一个极重要因素。当您更注重交谈品质时,您也会考虑得更周全、也更受到尊重地与他人互动。职场缺乏沟通技巧的有可能后果是:在解决牵扯多人的复杂问题上工作效率不高,对工作容易失去兴趣,工作得不到应有的认可,同事工作关系不融洽平添一些没有必要的烦恼另一方面,专业技术人员多有比较好的英文基础.同时与技术人员相关英文沟通相对集中在几个方面:如问题讨论,项目进展等。所以通过有效的努力,技术人员完全有可能在较短时间内提高英文沟通,填补这方面的不足。Are you a non-native English speaker working in Canada? If so, then this course is for you. When you are in a meeting or writing business correspondence you can be at a disadvantage because you are speaking and writing in a foreign language. Learn the subtleties and nuances of communicating effectively in a business environment.
This course will:
help you to improve your speaking and writing skills
give you the confidence you need to be successful in your career
help improve the perception your superiors and clients have of your abilities
【授课老师】Nita Azuaga Nita has 20 years experience working at both the Federal and Provincial levels of government. A dynamic and highly engaging educator and presenter with the ability to motivate and inspire others through superior communication and visioning skills. She has been conferred a Bachelor of Arts, Honours degree from Trent University and will receive her Bachelor of Education from the University of Toronto in June of 2012. She is also fluent in English, French and Spanish.

Speaking & Writing Strategies for technical professionals
As technical professionals, most time we work independently. However, we do spend, normally, about 20% to 40% of our time communicating with others: whether attending project meetings, participating in team discussion, writing a status report, compiling emails requesting information, or calling to follow up an issue. So, have you experienced the followings?
• I feel nervous in the meeting, especially when I have to talk
• I don't like to join their discussions. It is just a waste of time (Or , deep in your mind, you just try to avoid it)
• My manager keeps bugging me the email/report I sent
• Some one just sent an email criticizing my work, and many people were on the cc list. Should I fight back?
• I have a job interview tomorrow. I am really worried about how to answer 'soft skill' questions
If they sound familiar, you are not alone, as effective communication is a challenge to most of people. But let's face it, we have to address this. These moments are important. If they were handled nicely, your work would be easier and work hours would be happier; you would be able to work more effectively and have better relationship with your colleagues; you could have better work performance and more opportunities for further career development.
This course is designed exactly to help technical professionals to address these common challenges by improving the communication skills. It is designed for professionals who work in team environment, who have already had fundamental English language skills, and who are willing to improve the communication skills.
The course will provide a set of sample scripts, templates, and teach how to use them. The course will also provide opportunities to practice these skills under various scenarios simulated to the real work environments, such as:
• Team discussions
• Project meetings
• Meetings with client or customers
• Conference Calls
• Presentations
• Writing emails that communicates
• Project status updates/reports
• Writing meeting minutes
Especially, the course also offers different strategies in dealing with difficult people/situations such as:
• Un-cooperative co-workers
• Bosses who do not support you
• Excessive email chains
• Negative comments
You can not avoid these peoples/situations (Sometime, you might be the one). Dealing with them professionally and tactically will help to improve your work life and theirs. It may also provide the opportunities for you to shine
This course will accelerate the participants overall soft skills development and provide significant help on their career development.
Typical audiences for this course are:
• IT professionals
• Engineers
• Other professionals from different fields

周日组第一次课317(周日)1:00pm,以后固定在每周日1:00pm- 5:00pm
【授课老师】Jerry Dai;潜能英语的发明人;加拿大十大杰出华人青年之一;安省政府十年杰出义工奖得主;中国人民大学汉青经济与金融高级研究院英语口语兼职教授;多伦多知名中英双语电视节目主持人;中央电视台,黑龙江电视台,中国国际广播电台英语学习栏目特邀嘉宾;中国工商银行总行英语内训讲师;外研社为其量身定做出版北美文化之旅系列音像制品丛书。其发明的潜能英语学习法获得加拿大政府专项拨款及大力推广,近几年来帮助上万华人突破英语学习的障碍,绝对不同于传统的英语教学方式,全面提高英语听说能力,立竿见影。
他,30岁,在中国崭露头角,潜能英语成为中国金融界首选内培英语方法;外研社为其量身订做北美文化系列教材。中国国际广播电台“ China Drive 轻松杂志 ”节目特邀嘉宾。中国人民大学汉青经济与金融高级研究院英语口语兼职教授。

(Eric Public Speaking and Small Talk Workshop)
【课程内容】Presentation Skills & Small Talk一类的训练是帮助我们摆脱职场内外交流困境的最好方法,这种训练,可以帮助你学会各种经典的职场交流技巧和轻松的交流主题,如电影、球类、交通、服装,化妆,新闻等等,只要你经过练习,一定会有成效。一旦你可以就一些话题和别人找到契合点,你在职场交流中就不再怯场,自信油然而生,由此赢得了老板同事的好感,自己不再有边缘人的感觉,良好的人际互动将使自己的工作顺风顺水,好事不期而至。华人该如何快速提高Presentation技巧?经验丰富的Eric Liu老师,告诉您他的经验之谈,以及在北美得体交流的技巧,让您在西人同事及上司面前自信地展现流利的英语。
1Leapfrogging your career using speaking skill as a leverage
2Becoming an interesting person through effective speaking
3Increasing level of confidence in social setting - a role model for your children to look up to
【授课老师】Eric LiuScotiabank Risk Department DirectorCIBC Toastmaster 演讲大赛两次一等奖得主。曾被学员亲切称为平民英语大师Eric2001年登陆加拿大,和其他新移民不同的是别人花34年拿学历,而他用4年的时间练习“Presentation Skill”,而结果就是他投了5份简历而且获得了5个面试机会,最终5个大公司都给了他Offer。很多人都对他成功就业感到不解,而他的秘诀就是深知"HOW TO TALK"! 拥有东方传统冷静激情的Eric,极具个人魅力。

Sales & Customer service communication skills
【讲座内容】This course is an accelerated program that targets the need for “outstanding” customer service. Whether you are an employee or an employer you will benefit from the soft-skills taught in this course. By investing in our human resources we equip ourselves with the most important tool in business: effective communication. Our course focus on various aspects of communication and will help you become more compatible worldwide. 
【授课老师】Pira;CEC英语学习方法创始人。YMCA持牌培训师,在过去十余年里,为大量企业者和个人提供领导力,销售沟通技巧,交流技巧等方面的培训。现任International Business Development (IBD) Service资深咨询师,为大量加拿大企业在亚洲地区的发展提供咨询,提升,市场研究,销售,产品调研等咨询服务。Pira凭借在学术和商业领域资深的背景,定能够帮助众多移民,留学生以及英语非母语人士在北美取得更大的成功。

216(周六)Free Seminar安排早知道】
1:00pm 免费讲座:如何顺利通过政府工作的面试!
【主讲人】Forrest Meng15年国内外大型企业的工作经验,相继在多家公司担任技术负责人,现就职于安省政府,近5年政府相关工作经验。为人平易近人,有耐心,愿意帮助更多的人去进一步了解政府工作的求职细节,并愿意毫无保留的分享。
【主讲嘉宾】Liu Jie;   20多年职场经验,13年加国,历经银行、软件公司、AT&T.通讯、政府,找不同行业的感受,不同行业薪资福利不同。

维多利亚培训中心(Victoria Training Center (Toronto))
地址:200 Consumers RoadSuite 118M2J 4R4 (位于ConsumersSheppard东南角第三座楼,近地铁站,免费停车)
西人名师带来经典课程——“职场英语沟通技巧和策略(Speaking & Writing)”
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