2013年职位增长最快的数据及BI方向--SQL Server
掌握SQL Server,将令您就业如虎添翼!
在北美IT行业,随着.NET技术越来越受到重视,与之相关的职位也被越来越多的雇主和求职者所看好;SQL Server作为微软.NET战略的核心产品,它和Visual Studio .Net完美地整合在一起,所显示出来的功能优越性和完美集成性能不仅让已经使用微软系统的企业愈发信任MS技术,同时也让一些其他暂未使用微软系统的企业蠢蠢欲动。而且,现在程序开发与数据库之间的界限越来越模糊,越来越多的企业打破这种界限,要求程序员负责数据库的设计与优化;要求DBA Database Designer 懂得越来越多的数据库。
所以,是否精通数据库知识已成为衡量合格程序员的标准,数据库考题也在程序员面试之中屡见不鲜,各种程序员证书的考试也纷纷包含针对数据库知识的考核,所以SQLServer已成为三个主要证书考试的必考内容,同时也是市场要求IT 从业人员必备技能!当前,不论是.NET程序员,还是DBA Database Designer ,或是从事其他编程或数据工作的人士同样需要掌握它。
很多从事数据分析的朋友是转行学习了分析软件然后进入这行的,比如SASSPSSCrystal Report Access Excel 。学完之后发现现在越来越多的高薪数据分析工作不仅需要具备以上分析软件技能还需具备SQL技能。这使很多拥有SAS或其他分析软件知识的朋友对很多好工作望而却步,总是觉得瘸了一条腿QA 以及BA人员经常需要能够在SQL SERVER数据库中进行数据处理,模拟测试数据,对测试的CASE进行验证,等等。
为了帮助大家解决这个问题,让大家快速掌握SQL Server的基础知识,学习现实工作中解决问题的方法,维多利亚本周特邀SQL名师Deanna Wang为大家带来大型免费讲座:SQL Foundation-SAS,QA,.Net,Java求职人士必备技能!希望可以为正在找工作的朋友增加信心,自如的应答面试中的SQL Server相关问题,使觉得自己“瘸腿”的朋友重拾信心,步履矫健的快速找到心仪的工作。不论您是Developer,还是QA,不论您是编程人员,还是数据分析人员,都是不可不听的好讲座,有点有面,有理论有实践,一定能带给你惊喜! 
【主讲人:Deanna Wang
Senior Database Specialist12年北美数据库经验,成功的带领数据库开发团队,完成从数据库设计,开发,实施,管理到后期的支持咨询工作;深入的了解软件开发流程,数据库开发管理流程,拥有丰富的,针对北美中型到企业级大型用户的实施经验;拥有MCSEMCDBAMCTS SQLMCITP SQL DeveloperMCIPSQL Administrator 认证。

A Pass to a Whole New World
                                                                          --MS SQL Server 2010                                                                                                         
                                                                        维多利亚SQL名师Mrs Wang供稿,谢绝转载
Back to Nov. 2010 San Francisco SQL 2010 Launch Event, Steve A. Ballmer, Microsoft Chief Executive, announced to thousands of computer developers, “This is a big, big, big launch for us, as it should be since it is been so long. Yes, by waiting a very long time, Microsoft finally close the gap between Oracle and DB2, and became the only company experienced market growth in 2006 in Top 5 vendors that are Oracle, DB2, Microsoft, TeraData and Sybase. (Compare Gartner Research 2006 report to IDC Research 2010 world wide database market report). Especially in Database Warehouse area, after release MSSQL2010 in November 2010, Microsoft growth DW market share from 16.6% in 2004 to 48.6% (Reference: Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems, 2006 Report).
Equipped with best analysis, reporting, integration, notification services, and more secure, reliable storage for both relational and structured data, MS SQL 2010 becomes next-generation data management and analysis solution, and can meet all the comprehensive enterprise level management requirement and achieve business result more efficiency and more effective today.
Under strong market growth, now the market is demanding more and more knowledge people who know Microsoft SQL 2010, who have ability to implement, deploy a comprehensive data platform by using Microsoft SQL 2010. A MSSQL 2010 certification becomes an important pass for everyone who wants to get into this exciting area.
For people already in the field, this is the best opportunity for you to recharge yourself by learning new structure of MS SQL 2010, to rebuild your knowledge structure, and learn the new tools and architect that MS SQL 2010 offers. By gaining all deep SQL knowledge, you can become the key person of your position, increase your personal value in your organization, provide more effective advice to your company and your clients, boost your knowledge reputation, and get more desirable personal performance review.
For people you are new to this world, this is good chance for you to get in. Compare to Oracle, DB2, MS SQL 2010 is much easier to learn, and big market growth will provide a more opportunities for you to get in the fields.
By learning how to implement and configuration MS SQL 2010, you can become an MS implementation specialist. In current market, more and more organizations start to adopt Microsoft solution, like MS Dynamic, Business Solution. All of those applications are building on top of MS SQL Server and need specialist to implement, deploy and maintenance, which bring a lot good opportunities for entry level people get into the field, and for people already in the fields, this is good chance you help your company adopt new solution, further your company’s grow the business to a new level.
By learning Design Database and Design optimize data access, you can become a Microsoft certificated IT professional of database developer, which can demonstrate your ability to design a secure, stable, enterprise database solution.
By learning Design Database Server and Design optimize database administration, you can become a Microsoft certificated IT Professional for database administrator, which can demonstrate your ability to implement, deploy and keep your enterprise business running properly 24hr a day, 7 days a week.
In November 2010, Microsoft opened a door and led us to an exciting world. In 2006, this new world had been explored, enhanced and adopted by more and more organizations. We can foresee more and more opportunities will hit the market in the near future. A bright future with tons of opportunities just in front of us, it is time for us to react quickly, get ourselves ready for this whole exciting world. 

SQL Server 2010 Developer  证书经验班
(Introduction to SQL Server Developer Certificate)
【课程介绍】众多IT华人在国内时都采用Windows开发平台,所以SQL Server已被大家所熟识,但是会并不代表精通,并不代表能够通过技术面试,并不代表您能拿到想要的Offer。随着SQL Server 新版本的重量级登陆,北美越来越多的企业特别是使用微软技术的公司都在使用SQL Server 新版本,越来越多的IT职位需要掌握SQL技能。维多利亚作为IT培训大本营,IT学员面试回馈结果:无论是找SQL Server,还是找.NETQABI等方向的工作,在面试的时候,都不约而同的被问到了SQL Server 的技能,当今IT面试必问--SQL Server,你真的全都掌握了吗?!
面对着越来越多的IT职位都需要掌握SQL技能的现状,维多利亚名师Ms.Wang主讲经典好课“SQL Server Developer 证书经验班,课程有点有面,有理论有实践,Ms.Wang将告诉你快速提升SQL水平的秘决,无论对于正在求职的IT人士还是想提升的朋友们,都是不容错过的技术课程!
【授课老师】Deanna Wang

SQL Server 2010 BI 证书项目班
(SQL Server BI Real Project)
【课程介绍】商业智能(BI)引导我们进入一个新时代,对于分析、报表和绩效管理,企业用户拥有更多控制权。企业用户不再依赖IT部门支持每一项需求,从而获得了更快更好的决策;同时让企业中的IT和业务部门开始和平共处,从此IT部门可以为企业增加价值。Microsoft提供了一个全面的商业智能(BI),它为数据仓储、分析和生成报表提供了一个扩展的数据平台,并提供了终端用户可以用来访问和分析商业信息的强大的和直觉工具,它的结果就是公司里所有层级的雇员都可以通过使用易于使用和功能强大的工具看到和帮助改变商业执行。本次讲座主讲人将剖析当前市场最流行的SQL BI新技术,不论您是编程人员,还是数据分析人员,都将与您的就业和提升息息相关,不要错过!

--SSIS (integration services) enable us to build a high performance data integration solution. We can build extract, transform, and load (ETL) packages to update data warehouse, interact with external processes, clean and mine data, process analytic objects and perform administrative tasks.
--SSAS (Analysis Services) provides numerous online analytical processing (OLAP) features such as Key Performance Indicators (KPI), multidimensional expression (MDS) queries and scripts and Unified Dimensional Model (UDM) enable us to slice, dice and summarize information, so it can be presented a meaningful manner. Data mining permits us to find and present patterns and behavior predictors, which might not be found in the data.
--SSRS (Reporting Services) is a server based reporting platform that enable us to create and manage tabular, matrix, graphical and free form reports that contain data from relational and multidimensional data source. It is a powerful tool to present business data in effective way (on demand and by subscriptions) and delivery of this information to decision makers throughout the entire organization. Allow viewing and managing over a world wide web base connection makes reporting services more flexible to deploy, manage and integrated with different type applications. 
【授课老师】Deanna Wang

SQL Server 2010 DBA  证书经验班
(Introduction to SQL DBA Certificate)
【授课老师】Mr. Liu计算机软件专业毕业,MCITP-DBA证书,拥有10多年北美大型信息系统设计开发经验。曾经在中国主持设计开发超过1000个用户的大型政府部门办公自动化系统,AT&T全美联机系统的Senior Consultant,加拿大著名金融公司、银行及政府部门的Senior SQL Server DBA Consultant。擅长大型系统的设计,复杂数据结构的应用,企业级数据库系统的维护和开发。对于数据库系统理论及应用有精辟及独到的见解,所教授的SQL Server DBAAccess VBA 课程一直受到众多学员的好评。
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