讲座内容Much has been said about the keys to success in today’s job market. Knowledge, skills, and experience are important. Communication, however, is critical. Communication is about the stuff you say and how you say it. It’s small talk, big talk.
The skill of small talk comes in handy in many situations such as job interview, performance appraisal, and business meeting. If you sit there and allow an awkward moment of silence, the people who sit with you are not going to feel comfortable. And if they don’t feel comfortable with you, they will hire someone else, they will promote someone else, and they will give their business to someone else. Small talk has a social purpose – it breaks the ice, clears the way, and lays the foundation for any relationship. Without small talk you may never get to big talk or real conversation.
维多利亚最受欢迎的老师—Eric Liu,Scotiabank Senior Director, Toastmaster 演讲大赛两次一等奖得主,被学员亲切称为“平民英语大师”。Eric职场独到之处在于,他在短短三年内从普通的技术人员提升到Director,很多人都对他快速提升感到不解,而他的秘诀就是深知"HOW TO TALK"! Eric老师教给您他独创的与西人同事聊天的技巧,以及在众人面前从容的演讲技巧。
“职场英语”Eric老师上周荣升ScotiaBank Senior Director! 华人骄傲!
想在面试中自信流利的表达想在职场中轻松自如的交谈不要错过学员推崇备至的经典课程——“Eric公众英语”(Eric Public Speaking and Small Talk Workshop)
上课时间公开课:8月 20 、27日 (周六) 1:00pm9月3日 (周六) 1:00pm
第一次课:9月12日 (周一) 7:00pm以后固定在每周一7pm-10pm
课程内容Presentation Skills & Small Talk一类的训练是帮助我们摆脱职场内外交流困境的最好方法,这种训练,可以帮助你学会各种经典的职场交流技巧和轻松的交流主题,如电影、球类、交通、服装,化妆,新闻等等,只要你经过练习,一定会有成效。一旦你可以就一些话题和别人找到契合点,你在职场交流中就不再怯场,自信油然而生,由此赢得了老板同事的好感,自己不再有边缘人的感觉,良好的人际互动将使自己的工作顺风顺水,好事不期而至。华人该如何快速提高Presentation技巧?经验丰富的Eric Liu老师,告诉您他的经验之谈,以及在北美得体交流的技巧,让您在西人同事及上司面前自信地展现流利的英语。
参加课程的3个原因1)Leapfrogging your career using speaking skill as a leverage2)Becoming an interesting person through effective speaking3)Increasing level of confidence in social setting - a role model for your children to look up to