没有 IT 背景,却羡慕 IT 的高薪!



同样可以赚到年薪 6-8万!





CRM 是什么?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 即”客户关系管理“,相信很多人都知道。几乎所有的公司都在用CRM去管理客户。


Saleforce CRM 是什么?

很多人对 Salesforce CRM 非常陌生,大家常常有这样的疑问!


只要看看哪些公司在用:RBC、TD、BMO、Scotiabank、CIBC、Sun Life、Manulife、Air Canada、Loblaws、Telus,还有许多政府部门都在使用 Salesforce CRM。全是加拿大的“高、大、上”公司!

Salesforce 是云计算的一种,被称之为Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). 也就是通过网络来提供终端用户所使用的软件服务。Salesforce 是处于世界首位的开发CRM客户关系管理平台。Salesforce CRM基于云端,因此用户不需要 IT 专家团队进行安装设置或管理,只需登陆即可使用。速度快、易掌握、而且价格低廉,这也是为什么这么多“高、大、上”公司都在用 Saleforce CRM 的原因。

Salesforce CRM 就业机会多吗?

Salesforce CRM 既然是客户关系管理平台,当然就需要管理人员 - Salesforce Administrator。

Salesforce Administrator负责Salesforce CRM的系统设置和用户管理。同时也要对系统和公司业务进行分析,为管理层提供准确的数据分析及报表。Salesforce Administrator还可以直接对用户界面以及业务流程进行调整,避免了传统商业软件系统繁琐缓慢的开发调试和部署过程。

现在,所有的公司都越来越重视客户管理,所以市场对于 Salesforce Administrator 职位的需求量越来越大!

而且成为 Salesforce Administrator 并不需要IT背景,但它却有与科班出身的IT技术人员相当的薪酬。由于Salesforce Administrator对公司业务的了解和对全局的把握,它也成为了一条进入公司管理层的敲门砖。



隆重推出 Salesforce 管理员就业公益讲座

特邀现任 Salesforce Architect

Gilbert Gao 主讲



8 月 9 日(四)7:00pm



250 Consumers Road, Suite 901, Toronto







高老师“Salesforce 管理员”



Gilbert Gao

在高科技行业拥有超过12年北美企业级经验, 多伦多大学计算机工程硕士,现就职于多伦多著名金融企业,担任Salesforce 架构师, 负责设计和管理Salesforce CRM, 同时负责系统间数据整合。曾就职于IBM, 五大银行和多家金融机构。对Salesforce(SaaS Cloud Computing)有超过8年的设计开发及管理经验。拥有Salesforce授权的架构师证书。有很强的Salesforce项目实践经验,能够帮助学员迅速掌握核心技术及技能。通过多年的行业经验,和对就业市场的敏锐洞察,可为有金融或商业管理背景的学员成为Salesforce Administrator提供强有力的咨询。

什么人适合学习Salesforce Administrator?

☑ 商科及金融专业的毕业生:Salesforce Administrator 并不需要 IT 背景,所以他是进入北美大企业的捷径;

 准备找工和换工的朋友:由于市场对Salesforce Administrator的需求量大,所以现在是进入Salesforce领域的最佳时机;

 想要进入公司管理层的技术人员:由于Salesforce Administrator对公司业务的了解和对全局的把握,它也成为了一条进入公司管理层的敲门砖;


Salesforce Administration Essentials with Hands-on projects


Salesforce CRM Overview

This module introduces the basic concepts of Software-as-a-service cloud computing (SaaS) and the fundamental business processes within Salesforce.


User and Org Setup

This module outlines how to set up the user and salesforce organization for your company, and the basic settings to get started with Salesforce.


Sales and Marketing Applications

After this module, you will be able to configure Salesforce for your sales team to use, and understand how to create and manage marketing campaign.


Service and Support Applications

After this module, you will be able to configure Salesforce for your customer service to manage customer requests.


Security and Access

Security and access privilege are always essential components of modern computing systems. After this module, you will be able to understand Salesforce security controls at all the levels.  


Customization on Fields and User Interface

The great configurability and flexible architecture is what makes Salesforce popular among business users. This module will show how an administrator can customize Salesforce without developer support.


Managing Data

Data is always the key to drive the modern business. This module describes the processes and tools to manage data within Salesforce.


Improving Data quality

This module shows the capabilities to prevent bad data to enter the system.


Reports and Dashboards

Company management always needs a way to understand their business. This module will teach you how to create effective reports and dashboards to review the internal business operations.


Process Automation

Business process automation enforces business rules and eliminate human intervention. The business operations will be greatly improved.


Activity Management and AppExchange

Salesforce also keeps track of the communication with customers for internal evaluation and compliance purposes. Commercially available third-party apps can easily be installed to provide extra functionality for business use.


Change Management

Configuration and data changes need to be controlled and monitored in systematic fashion to ensure safe operations for business.


Salesforce Lightning Overview

Salesforce has two UI systems, Classic Experience and Lightning Experience. This module will help you to understand the new lightning UI.

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