如何通过Job Agency(猎头公司)找到专业工作!

主讲人:Jason Ching,多伦多大学毕业,8年大型猎头公司丰富招聘经验。现任大型省政府的IT Consulting公司Sylogix (http://www.sylogix.com)Director。Mr. Ching has extensive experience in building information and technology solutions to the Ministries of Ontario.  Primarily focused on providing solutions for government organizations, Mr. Ching has made a career of providing I&IT solutions and resources that cater to the client’s needs.  A career that began as an IT Developer in 1998 has evolved to owning and running his own company that includes a complete project team and is expanding each year.  In 2009, he opened an additional office in Ningbo China to accommodate the growing global demand.
Working with customers in various Ontario Ministries and Provincial Agencies, Mr. Ching has earned his strong reputation of consistently delivering high quality, tailored solutions to his clients in time and on budget.  Mr. Ching appreciates the firm relationships he has built with his clients over his 14 years in business.  Member of a number IT industry leading technology companies.
【讲座内容】在北美,85%以上的工作都掌握在Job Agency手中,并且Job Agency对于在北美人地两生的技术移民顺利就业立下汗马功劳。相信每个正在找工或者已经工作的朋友都有和Job Agency 打交道的经历,一个关系网广阔而又和您关系比较“铁”的Job Agency可以让您终生工作无忧,而同时也有大批朋友因为找不到、不知和Job Agency 如何相处而万分苦恼。据统计,每个Job Agent通常只会用7秒钟来浏览一份简历,如何使您的简历光彩夺目,如何在交流中保持自己形象,有的放矢,怎样与找工中介有效及时的沟通,怎样通过Job Agency快速获得Interview机会和Job Offer,走上成功之路?本周六Jason 将让您的每个问题都迎刃而解,主要包括:
1) 找工渠道在哪里,如何发现找工渠道;
2) 如何和Job Agency建立联系,申请人怎样的简历会获得Job Agency的青睐,怎样的表现会获得面试成功,需要必知的跟进的步骤 (Next Steps)以及如何与 Job Agency 最后签约;
3) Job Agency 招聘原则和人才需求;
4) 如何有效准备Resume和Interview。
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