CFA Level 1



Study Session 1

Ethical and Professional Standards


1. Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct

2. Guidance for Standards I – VII

3. Introduction to Global Investment Performance Standards

4. Global Investment Performance Standards


Study Session 2: 

Quantitative Methods – Basic Concepts


5. Time Value of Money

6. Discounted Cash Flow Applications

7. Statistical Concepts and Market Returns

8. Probability Concepts 


Study Session 3:

Quantitative Methods – Applications


9. Common Probability Distributions

10. Sampling and Estimation

11. Hypotheses Testing

12. Correlation and Regression 


Study Session 4  

Microeconomic Concepts


13.  Elasticity

14.  Efficiency and Equity

15.  Markets in Action

16.  Organizing Production 

17.  Outputs and Costs 

 Study Session 5 



18.  Perfect Competition

19.  Monopoly

20.  Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly 

21.  Demand and Supply in Factor Markets

22.  Monitoring Cycles, Jobs, and the Price Level

23.  Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand


Study Session 6 

Macroeconomic Analysis


24.  Money, Banks, and the Federal Reserve 

25.  Money, Interest, Real GDP, and Price Level 

26.  Inflation

27.  Fiscal Policy

28.  Monetary Policy


Study Session 7

Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis


29.   Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction

30.   Financial Reporting Mechanics

31.   Financial Reporting Standards


Study Session 8

Understanding the Financial Statements 


32.   Understanding the Income Statement

33.   Understanding the Balance Sheet

34.   Understanding the Cash Flow Statement


Study Session 9:

Assets and Liabilities


35. Analysis of Inventories

36. Analysis of Long-Lived Assets Part I:

      The Capitalization Decision

37. Analysis of Long-Lived Assets Part II:

      Analysis of Depreciation and Impairment

38. Analysis of Income Taxes

39. Analysis of Financing Liabilities

40. Leases and Off-Balance-Sheet Debt


Study Session 10:

Techniques, Applications, and

International Standards Convergence


41. Financial Analysis Techniques

42. Financial Statement Analysis: Applications

43. International Standards Convergence


Study Session 11 

Corporate Finance


44. Capital Budgeting

45. Cost of Capital

46. Working Capital Management

47. Financial Statement Analysis 

48. The Corporate Governance of Listed Companies: A Manual for Investors 


Study Session 12

Portfolio Management


49.  The Asset Allocation Decision

50.  An Introduction to Portfolio Management

51.  An Introduction to Asset Pricing Models


Study Session 13 

Securities Markets


52. Organization and Functioning of Securities Markets

53. Security Market Indexes

54.  Efficient Capital Markets

55. Market Efficiency and Anomalies


Study Session 14

Industry and Company Analysis


56. An Introduction to Security Valuation: Part I

57. Industry Analysis

58. Equity: Concepts and Techniques

59. Company Analysis and Stock Valuation

60. An Introduction to Security Valuation: Part II

61. Introduction to Price Multiples  


Study Session 15

Fixed Income Investments –Basic Concepts


62. Features of Debt Securities

63. Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds

64. Overview of Bond Sectors and Instruments

65. Understanding Yield Spreads

66. Monetary Policy in an Environment of Global Financial Markets


Study Session 16

Fixed Income Investments – Analysis and Valuation


67. Introduction to the Valuation of Fixed Income Securities

68. Yield Measures, Spot Rates, and Forward Rates

69. Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate Risk


Study Session 17  

Derivative Investments


70.  Derivative Markets and Instruments

71.  Forward Markets and Contracts

72.  Futures Markets and Contracts

73.  Options Markets and Contracts

74.  Swaps Markets and Contracts

75.  Risk Management and Applications of Option Strategies


Study Session 18

Alternative Investments


Study Session 19

Mock Exam


Study Session 20

Mock Exam Review 




Lei Gao


10 余年银行、基金管理公司、私募基金投资公司经验



George Quan


10 余年世界500 强企业市场、销售及私募股权(PE)投资经历






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