Microservices & Spring Cloud



Microservices is an architecting style and is a variant of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. It has been more and more popular in last few years. It is prompted by cloud computing techiques and has a broad range support from the industry.


This course will introduce Microservices theory, and provide a comprehensive elaboration of Spring Cloud, including Spring Cloud Config Server, Eureka, Ribbon, Spring Discovery, Feign, Hystrix, Zuul, OAuth2, Spring Stream, Kafka, Redias, Sleuth, Zipkin technologies.


This course will also use these techiques and tools: Spring Boot 2, REST API, Maven, STS, Angular, SQL database, etc.






本课程主要讲解: Microservices原理、Spring Cloud,包括Spring Cloud Config Server, Eureka, Ribbon, Spring Discovery, Feign, Hystrix, Zuul, OAuth2, Spring Stream, Kafka, Redias, Sleuth, Zipkin等技术。除此之外,课程还会使用Spring Boot 2REST APIMavenSTSAngular等技术。


课程大纲 (Course Outline)

1. Microservices Overview & Introduction

2. Building Microservices using Spring Boots 2

3. Spring Cloud Config Server

4. Service Discovery

5. Service routing with Spring Cloud and Zuul

6. Securing Microservices

7. Event-driven architecture with Spring Cloud Stream

8. Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin


授课老师简介:David Gao

从事软件开发与设计十多年,拥有计算机本科及硕士学位,曾在铁路、交通、出版、办公自动化、流程控制等领域从事开发大型IT项目。来北美之后,主要从事大型金融、保险项目开发、系统集成、方案及系统架构设计等工作。曾前后就职于IBMRoyal Bank, 现任职著名保险公司担任 Solution Architect



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