Sharepoint 2007/2010 Real Project
SharePoint Developer Training Outline
- Introduction to SharePoint Development
- Modes of Development: Configuration, Customization and Solution Development
- Site Collections and Sites
- Creating and Customizing Lists and Document Libraries
- Using Web Part Pages
- Advanced List Concepts
- Manipulating Lists and List Items Programmatically
- Lists and Cross-site queries
- Events
- Custom Field Types
- Site Columns and Content Types
- Site Columns
- Content Types
- Integrating Site Columns, Content Types, and Lists
- Using Calendar and Contacts Lists with Outlook 2007
- Authentication and Authorization
- Authentication Mechanisms
- Authorization and Permissions
- Zones
- Forms Based Authentication and Anonymous Access
- Using ASPNetSQLMembershipProvider and ASPNetSQLRoleProvider
- Configuring Anonymous Access
- Creating a Custom Membership Provider
- SharePoint Architecture
- IIS, ASP.NET, and SharePoint
- Page Request Pipeline
- Application Pages and Site Pages
- Features
- Types of Features
- Feature Scopes
- Feature Activation, Dependencies, and Stapling
- Feature Receivers
- Solution Development
- Creating a Development Environment
- Creating and Deploying Solutions
- Common Failure Modes
- Tools and Techniques to Simplify Package and Deployment
- Master Pages
- ASP.NET Master Page Basics
- Master Pages in SharePoint
- Creating a Custom Master Page
- Creating User Controls and Web Parts
- User Controls
- Web Parts
- Delegate Controls
- SharePoint Security
- Permissions and Permission Levels
- Site Collection Administrator
- Authentication vs. Authorization
- SharePoint groups
- Content Management
- Page Layouts and Master Pages
- Page Layout Model
- Field Controls and Control Template
- Page Processing Model
- Custom Workflows
- Comparison to SharePoint Designer Workflows
- Workflow basics
- ASP.NET Based Association, Initiation, and Modification Forms
- Debugging Workflows
- Custom Task Content Types and Forms
- SharePoint Search
- Enterprise Search Architecture
- Installation walkthrough
- Configuration walkthrough
- Highlight key best practices
- Content sources, start addresses, crawl rules
- Customizing the Search User Interface
- Programmatically Administering Search
- Introduction to SharePoint 2010
o New Features in SharePoint 2010
o Introducing the new User Experience
o The SharePoint Fluent User Interface
- SharePoint Integration
- Overview and Architecture
- Using the BCS Server API
- Creating External Content Types
- Creating External Lists
- Creating .NET Assembly Connectors
- Integration WCF
- Client Object Model and SharePoint Integration with Silverlight