Advanced Introduction to Internet Marketing

Do you know that billions of dollars of sales are made through the Internet and the number has been increasing each year? Do you know that many business owners now rely on the Internet to bring them most of their business? Do you know that home based business becomes more practical to many because of the Internet? Do you know that you can even apply the Internet marketing strategies in your job search? . . . .
The way how people live and do business is changing dramatically because of the Internet. And you need to change too. You need to take this unprecedented opportunity to thrive not just survives in this challenging world.

And if you want to . . .
·         Attract buyers searching on-line for your products and services
·         Create a steady stream of qualified prospects to your business
·         Learn the cutting edge internet marketing strategies to build up your brand on-line
·         Set up an automated system to generate multiple sources of passive income online 24/7
·         Grasp new business or the most sought-after job opportunities that Internet brings about
·         Learn the hottest Internet marketing techniques to expand your skill sets and to better position yourself in this competitive market
·         Optimize your tax benefit on business expenses
Then you are at the right place. 
We’ve been offering Internet Marketing Training courses since 2010. Our students are business owners, real estate agents, insurance agents, MLM marketers, self-employed, and career students etc. You will be introduced to the cutting-edge Internet sales and marketing techniques as well as practical ways to make money online, grow your home business and promote your brick-and-mortar business online.
Internet Marketing Training (Part II) focuses on more advanced strategies such as content marketing, list building, email marketing, copywriting and traffic, which are vital to double your income online. You will learn:
·         How to make your website stand out from over 650,000,000 websites worldwide competing for eyeballs
·         How to search engine optimize your website in a way that Google loves 

·         How to create quality fresh content quickly that brings more traffic, pre-sells and builds your email list

·         Secret tools that increase your website conversion, customer satisfaction and sales like magic

·         Copywriting secrets you can use in your ads, emails and sales letter today and see instant results

·         How to create an irresistible landing page that attracts people like magnet

·         How to convert leads to your loyal customers who will buy from you over and over

·         Ways to get quality high traffic even without Google

·         Discover affiliate marketing tactics only used by top online marketers to make millions

·         How to use video marketing and blogging to occupy Google 1st page quickly
·         How to use article marketing to create high quality backlinks and bring free traffic to your site
·         How to leverage the power of social networking sites to build your targeted followers
and many more surprises!!!

Save Time & Make Money! Practical Hands-On Skills!
"No One Is Left Behind" is our commitment to you!
You have the best Internet Marketing training experts Oliver Gu and Mary Wang who each has two master degrees (in MBA, Computer Science, and Communication Studies) from distinguished universities in the US and 10+ years of Internet marketing and business investment experiences in North America. We've done it and would like to share our knowledge and experience with you. We are committed to helping you, motivating you to be successful in your online business. 
Furthermore . . .
·         You can repeat Internet Marketing Training Certification courses within one year for FREE!!!
·         And . . . You will automatically become Internet Marketing Training Inner Circle Member to get life time support and up-to-date cutting edge Internet marketing tips and updates. 
“Exceptional experience. The content and structure of the internet marketing training course was exceptional.”- Robert Vendryes 
“I learned so much information in this internet marketing training course!  I highly recommend this to any one serious about building a website for business.”–Sandy Korak 
“It is an excellent internet marketing training course.  Oliver and Mary are fully dedicated to our success.  The amount of information is simply unbelievable.  I am lucky to be part of this learning experience.” – Csaba Lendvas 
“Very good and abundant information to learn.  Oliver and Mary, you both are very experienced with Internet Marketing Training and it shows on each class session you teach.  This has opened my eyes on other aspects of the Internet, especially on how to monetize a simple idea.” – Wilheim (Wil) Guerrero
More testimonials>>

在互联网上实现你赚钱, 创业,就业, 转行,升职,加薪的梦想
  • 你是否为经济不景气,生意场上竞争激烈,广告营运费用高却收效甚微而一筹莫展
  • 你是否感到缺乏机遇,英雄无用武之地,想创业却无从下手
  • 你是否为工作单调缺乏挑战性,而升职加薪又无望感到苦闷
  • 你是否为就业压力大,难于找到一份稳定的工作而担心
  • 你是否尝试在家工作却收效甚微
  • 你是否想你的收入快速翻倍,实现自己的潜能
好消息!!! 网络营销将给你带来全新的机会和转变!无论你有没有技术背景,无论你从业于哪一行,也无论你以前错过多少次机会,网络营销都可以把你带入成功快车道,享受成功的喜悦!

随着互联网越来越多地融入我们的生活,它悄然改变了我们的生活方式,成为生活中不可分割的一部分。许多消费者养成了在商场选择,在网上购买的习惯。据美国商务部统计调查, 2012年美国网络销售由2010年的1729亿跃升到2890亿。最新调查显示,百分之七十八的加拿大人在购买产品之前,会先通过网络进行搜索查询。20127月,中国互联网信息中心发布的数据显示,截至20126月底,中国电脑网民量为5.38亿,手机网民数量为3.88亿。这些网民以年龄在20-39岁的年轻人为主。网络营销市场巨大,网络营销人才稀缺,你绝对可以挖到你的第一桶金!
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)曾经就说过:在下一个世纪里,只会存在两种商业:一种是网络商业;一种是破产。这句话虽显得有些过于绝对,但Borders, Kodak, Blockbuster, Hollywood Studio等知名大中型企业的相继倒闭给商家敲响了警钟。在中国,网络营销也开始进入了一个快速发展的时期,不开展网络营销的企业将会被淘汰已不是危言耸听。这些足以表明网络营销的时代的到来。未来十年,将会是网络营销蓬勃发展的黄金时代,网络营销是未来十年最火爆的高薪行业。

以美国为龙头的北美网络营销走在世界前端,与其他地区和国家相比,北美网络营销的技术和策略更加成熟,具有体系化和规范化的特点。本课程主讲OliverMary两位老师将系统讲述北美网络营销技术和策略,毫无保留的和你分享他们在北美网络营销上的成功经验, 让你在短时间内掌握最尖端且实用的网络营销知识和策略,少走弯路,快出成效。
  • 如何利用现成巨大的网络平台和流量推广你的产品和服务,赚取可观的收入
  • 如何运用关键字分析软件寻找最具经济价值的关键字,胜过你的竞争对手
  • 如何用WordPress轻松建立可以带给你多种收入的网站
  • 如何运用搜素引擎优化原则提高网站排名, 带来有机搜索流量
  • 如何使你的网站内容丰富,吸引流量和来访者
  • 如何利用社交网站的强大影响力推广你的网站,提高知名度
  • 如何买卖域名,从中获取丰厚的利润
  • 如何使自己具备经济头脑,在经济和裁员风暴中依然繁荣昌盛
  • 如何培养领导才能和积极向上坚韧不拔的成功者的心态
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免费获取价值近千元的电子书, 热门网络营销资料和培训视频,
Oliver Gu (顾浩)亚马逊畅销书作者,荣获2012新枫彩家庭个人创业最受观众欢迎奖。九十年代中期赴美留学,获得密歇根州立大学工商管理金融硕士学位和麻省州立大学电脑硕士学位。曾任职于美国及加拿大著名公司。Oliver Gu是最早一批从事网络销售人士之一,早在1999年就开始从事Ebay网络销售,因高营业额及高顾客满意反馈被eBay授予“eBay PowerTrader”称号及证书;Oliver致力于网络营销,个人励志及个人财务方面的培训,帮助新老移民快速实现经济自由,发挥个人潜能
Mary Wang (王咏梅)亚马逊畅销书作者,毕业于对外经济贸易大学,1995年赴美麻省深造,先后获得麻省州立大学文学硕士和电脑硕士学位。毕业后曾在UPSDHL工作。2003年移民加拿大,曾在一家IT公司任职。自2009年起将重点转向网络营销,擅长博客营销和电子邮件营销,她独到的线上推线下,线下推线上的双线营销策略给华人商家企业带来福音。她的演讲将带给女士们很多的惊喜和赞叹因为她谦和并且出色
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