适合对象: 1.有一定的Business流程概念,英语交流沟通能力较强;
2.商科大学毕业生(Business Administration ,Marketing,Communication Media,International Business, Economic,HR,Finance等)
3. 其他希望在较短时间内找到专业工作的大学毕业生
适合职位: Business Analyst; Financial Analyst; Marketing Coordinator; Marketing Assistant; Project Coordinator;Marketing Analysis; Account Executive等
就业优势: 1. 保证能获得面试的优质简历;2. 学习及求职周期短仅需1-3个月。3.大量雇主资源
I recently graduate from a business major. Now What?
The first thing you should do is to know yourself. You could find it out by conducting SWOT analysis which will clearly illustrate the situation you are in
Basically, you are a stressful young but lack of experience professional who is looking for career opportunities. Ideally, the job should utilize your strengths and avoid touching the weakness points above. Where are the opportunities then? In the Data Analysis / Marketing field! Anytime, you type in Marketing Assistant / Analyst / Coordinator as keywords in job searching sites, you easily find out over 2000 openings - DO LET ME KNOW IF OTHERWISE.
Why work in Business field?
It is dynamic, constantly changed!
It is for young professional.
It needs everywhere; lots of openings.
It requires experience; but it requires talent more!
It has great potential.
Who is the most powerful department in the company? the marketing department! It consumes the majority of company's budget since it serves the purpose to recruit company's customers.
It is part of the core structure of company's management team. It is not a surprise that a lot of executives are actually from marketing department!
If you are a new or recently graduated student from an university in North America, you pretty much fit in the profile. A few things you need address are SKILLS and TOOLS
Why it is hard for new graduates to find a job?
It is caused by the difference between academic study and skill trainings. The knowledge from college makes the students overeducated but lack of practical skills. A student from marketing major may be equipped with tons of perfect marketing theories, various analysis model and more than enough knowledge on operating big organizations; but he cannot even
● create a basic financial / accounting report
● perform a primary research / analysis on subjects assigned
● pull out customer information from CRM
In a word, to apply for a junior position of Marketing Coordinator / Analyst, your marketing major classmates don’t have obvious advantages unless he possess practical skills.
How can I become to be more competitive?
Like previously mentioned, anytime, you type in Marketing Assistant / Analyst / Coordinator as keywords in job searching sites, you easily find out over 2000 openings - DO LET ME KNOW IF OTHERWISE. The job market is hot without doubt, as a young professional, how should you prepare your readiness? Basically, you need cover the following 4 area

You need start Resume / Interview preparation immediately; and follow the sequence above to prepare yourself in each subject areas. Try to revise your resume every time when you complete a subject area. It is not an easy job; but it is a must-do job!
Do you have a plan I can borrow?
You bet! The most effective way is to studying intensively on these 4 subject areas with the pace of 1 subject area per week. Following such a plan, you prepare your job readiness within 4 weeks; and expect to nail down an offer in another couple weeks. While your university classmates are still confusing about what kind of jobs should they apply for, you already cast off to achieve your career goal!

People say that practice makes thing perfect. It is not always true. Only taking the practice with industry leader will assist you on finding out a right way to your career success. During your job hunting journey, should you have any uncertainties, concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to let us know; and we will be more than happy to help on where necessary.
Good luck to you and hope you nail down your first offer soon.
It is not an easy job; but it is a must-do job! 商科大学毕业生就业你们已经准备好了吗?!
Reporting & Analysis with Excel
The course is designed for individual, who processes a basic understanding on how business case is created and operated, and knowledge in Accounting, Financial Planning and Investment Decision. Technically, student will use MS Excel to realize profitability studies, financial planning and various analysis by changing different drivers.
The course materials are organized with several hands-on case studies to realize the concepts / terms mentioned above. After taking the course, the student is expected to handle creating and maintaining daily business related reports and analysis.
3. Reference(Absolute, Relative and Mixed), Named Range ( Book, Sheet), and 3D Reference
CRM / CMS / SEO for Business Processing
Digital Marketing can be defined as promoting of brands or products and services using all forms of digital advertising. The core is online marketing and all web related technologies; and Digital marketing uses Internet, mobile and any form of digital media to reach customers in a timely, relevant, personal and cost-effective manner.
Course Outline:
Session 1: An Overview of Technologies in Business
1. Course Structure - How we work together to go through the course
2. Web Technology - the fundamentals about internets you need know
3. Installing web server
4. Website installation - have your website setup in 30 mins
Session 2: Basics of HTML for Website Building
2. CSS / Firebug - adjust your site in real time
3. Content Management - we focus on content, not the technology
4. Domain Name Registration / Hosting Service / Ftp / Deploy Web Application
Session 3: Online Marketing
1. On Page SEO
2. Off Page SEO
3. Google Place / Google Adword
4. Google Webmaster / Google Analytics
Session 4: Web Analytics and CRM
1. Customer Relationship Management
2. Social Media Marketing
3. SugarCRM
4. SalesForce
Session 5: Graphic Designing Tools and Email Campaign
1. Email Marketing Campaign
2. Adobe Photoshop
3. Poster / News Letter / Email Template
4. Put things together
VBA & Access / Database for Data Modeling
Session 1: Data and Database
1. Basic terms of Database Modeling
2. Installing database and database management tools
3. SQL Query
Session 2: MS ACCESS
1. About Microsoft Access
2. Convert Access Database to Excel
3. Microsoft Access versus SQL Server
4. Importing Business Data from Access to Excel
Session 3: MS VBA
1. Working with Control Properties
2. Mathematical Operations
3. UI Control
4. Exporting Business Data from Excel
Session 4: MS VBA with Sales & Marketing
1. Analyzing Contributions and Margins
2. Pricing and Costing
3. Enhance Salesforce with Point and Click Tools
Session 5: MS VBA Projects