Advanced Excel Skills for Accounting and Financial Modeling

Advanced Excel Skills for Accounting and Financial Modeling
Open Class: Jun 20th , 27th (Sat) 2:30pm Jul 4th (Sat) 2:30pm
1st Class: Jul 11th (Sat) 6:00pm Duration:20 hours Tuition: $680 plus tax
Course Description
This intensive course is designed for professionals in accounting and financial field who have a couple of years experience and want to improve their Excel modeling skills to move up to the next stage of their career. It is also a must for new graduates who are looking for opportunities as a Financial Analyst.
Excel is a table based tool that allows you to build up relations, either numerical or logical, among numbers or events you put in table cells (or sheets) to produce results for informed decision making. Forms of these relations can be either in formulas, links, or VBA programs when it gets complicated.
In this course, these relations will be explored and examined with application to accounting and financial modeling, which make this course very practical and right on the spot. All the examples are taken from actual work with modifications. What you learn is what you need at work! After this course, you will be taking off and fly high by yourself.
The course contains the followings:
· Capital budgeting, NPV, IRR, depreciation and appreciation
· Income statement
· Balance sheet statement
· Cash flow and modeling
· Forecasting, sensitivity and scenarios analysis
In addition, the course will cover the following topics:
· Best practice of Excel spreadsheet, design and management;
· Frequently used Excel formulas for financial professionals;
· Data management – data cleaning and validation;
· “What-if-analysis” using data table and scenario analysis set up;
· Pivot table and graph; and
· Many Excel tricks that dramatically improve your efficiency.
· Introduction to Excel macro and VBA
Our lecturer Mr. Liu has over ten year extensive experience with Excel and Financial Modeling. He has been served in financial consulting industry for eight years and currently works for a large fund.
会计及金融建模 Excel高级技术
预备知识:会计及金融基础知识, Excel基础知识
金融建模一般指的是公司全面金融模型,主要用来预估公司未来盈利可能, 或估算公司价值。正常的建模并不复杂,有大模也有小模。 也可能你天天在建模,但未意识到你每天做的Labour Report 或者 Cash Statement就是一个模型。金融建模需要以下四个方面知识:
1. 公司商务经营知识;
2. 会计知识;
3. 金融知识;
4. Excel 高级技能。
经过大学教育和几年的实际工作, 前三项基本获得。随着工作复杂程度的提高, 唯独原以为简单的Excel高级技能成了瓶颈。这个阶段就意味着, 要想进入下一个职业发展阶段, 就需要更新提高了。本课就是为此而提供解决方案。
Excel 是关于关系,基于表格的工具, 数值置于表格,Excel提供了简明有效的方法来建立表格之间的关系。 这种关系可以是数学的,或逻辑的。本课将这种关系开发出来应用到每天工作中, 以提高表现和效率。 亦将介绍Excel 的各种高级技巧和用法。
· Capital budgeting, NPV, IRR, depreciation and appreciation;
· Income statement;
· Balance sheet statement;
· Cash flow and modeling; and
· Forecasting, sensitivity and scenarios analysis.
Excel 方面包括:
· Best practice of Excel spreadsheet, design and management;
· Frequently used Excel formulas for financial professionals;
· Data management – data cleaning and validation;
· “What-if-analysis” using data table and scenario analysis set up;
· Pivot table and graph; and
· Many Excel tricks that dramatically improve your efficiency.
· Introduction to Excel macro and VBA
Mr. Liu 在北美接受高等教育。在金融领域已经工作超过十年。 其中八年在金融谘询公司。 现在一大型基金管理公司从事金融建模和分析工作。