如何提高Small Talk & Presentation Skills
【主讲人】Eric Liu;Scotiabank Risk Department Director。CIBC Toastmaster 演讲大赛两次一等奖得主,曾被学员亲切称为“平民英语大师”。Eric 2001年登陆加拿大,和其他人不同的是别人花3-4年拿学历,而他用4年的时间练习“Presentation Skill”,而结果就是他投了5份简历而且获得了5个面试机会,最终5个大公司都给了他Offer。很多人都对他成功就业感到不解,而他的秘诀就是深知"HOW TO TALK"! 拥有东方传统冷静激情的Eric,极具个人魅力。
【讲座内容】Much has been said about the keys to success in today’s job market. Knowledge, skills, and experience are important. Communication, however, is critical. Communication is about the stuff you say and how you say it. It’s small talk, big talk.
【讲座内容】Much has been said about the keys to success in today’s job market. Knowledge, skills, and experience are important. Communication, however, is critical. Communication is about the stuff you say and how you say it. It’s small talk, big talk.