【主讲人】Gilbert Ching - Scotiabank Branch Manager
【讲座内容】本周六11月9日下午1pm两位Scotiabank Branch Manager亲临维多利亚带来大型求职讲座。两位Branch Manager讲分享“如何找到银行内的技术工作!”以及Scotiabank Brank招聘职位和招聘细节分享。想找银行工作的朋友,请不要错过和雇主面对面的机会,不容错过!
Both Gilbert & Carmen have many years of experience in hiring. They will share best practises as what qualities they look for in hiring a new employee. Also they will explore the qualification require for different positions available within the retail banking network.
下周精彩讲座预告:简历面试大师DQ免费讲座:如何写出杀手简历!(Nov.16, 2013)