Internet Marketing 学员感言和感谢信


1) Mr.Miller - 房贷经纪人,2011年参加Level1 培训,让他业务大量增加,现在他还雇了两个人帮他搞网络营销。
2) Ms.Edgington - 2012年6月参加培训, 9月找到一份Peel District School Board的工作。 这是她的感谢信:
Mary and Oliver I really want to take a moment to thank you for your courses and all the information you gave me. I have a new job teaching school district staff how to use their websites, which are written in SharePoint. Your information about WordPress really has given me a start on understanding everything I am now teaching! I am travelling all over Western Canada - just got back from Calgary and Vancouver. I am going to the Microsoft SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas in a couple of weeks. All this to say, "THANK YOU". I would not have had the confidence to get this job without both of you. I am also building a training website for my new company.   Oct, 2012

3) Ms.Zeng - 教西人学中文, 兼翻译工作,去年九月参加Level1 & 2 的培训, 她的中文培训和翻译生意做得红红火火, 上个月, 她拿到一个高额订单, 这个人是通过她YouTube 视频找到她的。
"Hi Mary,
I am so glad to hear from you. I was wanting to send you an email to share some exciting moments. I can't believe that my interpreting business is booming too . Recently the amount of interpreting assignment is soaring. A few days ago I received an large amount of interpreting assignment  from a client. The client said he found my video on youtube. The moment when they were saying this I was thanking you and Oliver in my heart.
Thanks a million!"

4)Mr.Wang: 去年十月参加Level1的培训, 当时我对他印象不深, 6月15日, 他来参加Level 3 培训。 他告诉大家, 上完1级后就做eBay, 现在已经是 PowerSeller.  上月GoogleHangout教给他一个小招, 又让他的订单翻倍。 Maria, 您那天晚上是看到他的兴奋劲儿的。
5) Ms. Liu - 从一个完全的新手,为自己的艺术学院建了网站
"Hi Oliver and Mary, I want to thank you again for your generous support and promptness in responding to all my questions and concerns. From your presentation I was able to discover the secrets of online marketing, which I ve been struggling for three years to figure out myself and failed.
I applied the tips and strategies from your class, and I saw immediate improvement on my internet marketing campaigns. Not only so, the marketing strategies you share with us are universal are applicable to all online and off-line promotional activities.
The most important thing you taught us, however, is the passion and persistence that will finally lead to success. Nothing can be earned without ongoing commitment and efforts. You are a live example of what you are teaching.“
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