学员:Ms. Hee;53岁老移民。来到加拿大后,一直为学习英语而苦恼,工作也不甚理想,甚至对北美生活渐渐失去信心。最后由朋友推荐,在Jerry的帮助下,英语有了大幅度的提高。培训后,参加了Tim Hortons的面试,虽然面试的职位是Assistant Manager,但是老板认为她的personality和英语都非常优秀,所以直接让她就职Regional Controllor。她自己都说,没有人比她更老再去学习英语的,如果她能成功,大家都可以。
学员:Ms. Hee;53岁老移民。来到加拿大后,一直为学习英语而苦恼,工作也不甚理想,甚至对北美生活渐渐失去信心。最后由朋友推荐,在Jerry的帮助下,英语有了大幅度的提高。培训后,参加了Tim Hortons的面试,虽然面试的职位是Assistant Manager,但是老板认为她的personality和英语都非常优秀,所以直接让她就职Regional Controllor。她自己都说,没有人比她更老再去学习英语的,如果她能成功,大家都可以。
学员:Mr. Sun;Mr. Sun来加不到3年了,现在在做Sales Manager, 同时面对advisor与西人下属,深感正确发音的重要性,Sun先生说,也许生活在北美10年,你英文可以说的很流利,但一辈子可能英文都说的有口音。Jerry英语最关键的是这种学习方式能让我开始喜爱英语,从而想要学习,愿意用英语去交流。Sun先生届时还会有许多学习英文的方法跟大家分享!
学员:Mr. Sun;Mr. Sun来加不到3年了,现在在做Sales Manager, 同时面对advisor与西人下属,深感正确发音的重要性,Sun先生说,也许生活在北美10年,你英文可以说的很流利,但一辈子可能英文都说的有口音。Jerry英语最关键的是这种学习方式能让我开始喜爱英语,从而想要学习,愿意用英语去交流。Sun先生届时还会有许多学习英文的方法跟大家分享!
学员:Mr. Tom;某大学International Student,他在学校各项成绩都不错,只是非常顾虑自己的Group Work 和 Presentation能力。在朋友的推荐下,他上了Jerry英语课程。在课堂上Jerry风趣,幽默的上课方式和轻松的学习气氛让他对英语不再惧怕,反而把学习英语当做自己的一个兴趣。在他大学毕业之际,他的最后一次Presentation得了全班最高分,他的英语让他的朋友都大为震惊,而他也因为英语的提高交到了很多本地朋友。
学员:Mr. Tom;某大学International Student,他在学校各项成绩都不错,只是非常顾虑自己的Group Work 和 Presentation能力。在朋友的推荐下,他上了Jerry英语课程。在课堂上Jerry风趣,幽默的上课方式和轻松的学习气氛让他对英语不再惧怕,反而把学习英语当做自己的一个兴趣。在他大学毕业之际,他的最后一次Presentation得了全班最高分,他的英语让他的朋友都大为震惊,而他也因为英语的提高交到了很多本地朋友。
学员:Ms. Cathy;来加已快六年,现在多伦多大学学习,以前曾在国内专修英文专业。通过上期Jerry英语Part 1和Part 2的学习,使她的英语发音更纯正了,更惊喜的是听力、语感大幅度的提高。她可以将西人每句话中的每个单词,都很清晰的分离出来,而且在美式发音与英式发音上能彻底区分清楚。觉得Jerry帮她在学习英语上节省了很多的时间,而她自己的英语也说得越来越好了。
学员:Ms. Cathy;来加已快六年,现在多伦多大学学习,以前曾在国内专修英文专业。通过上期Jerry英语Part 1和Part 2的学习,使她的英语发音更纯正了,更惊喜的是听力、语感大幅度的提高。她可以将西人每句话中的每个单词,都很清晰的分离出来,而且在美式发音与英式发音上能彻底区分清楚。觉得Jerry帮她在学习英语上节省了很多的时间,而她自己的英语也说得越来越好了。
学员:Ms. Cui;中国来加拿大的新移民。来到加拿大后一直苦于英语的限制,只能做“勒脖工”,生活十分不稳定。在一个偶然的机会下走进了维多利亚,学起了Jerry英语,通过Jerry对他的帮助,他的英语突飞猛进,他给自己一年的时间让自己找到合适的工作。果然,通过1年英语和自身业务的培训,他在2008年底成功找到了自己的专业工作。
学员:Ms. Cui;中国来加拿大的新移民。来到加拿大后一直苦于英语的限制,只能做“勒脖工”,生活十分不稳定。在一个偶然的机会下走进了维多利亚,学起了Jerry英语,通过Jerry对他的帮助,他的英语突飞猛进,他给自己一年的时间让自己找到合适的工作。果然,通过1年英语和自身业务的培训,他在2008年底成功找到了自己的专业工作。
Julie: ”我一直觉得自己的口语波动太大。有时可以很流利,有时感觉完全Chinglish。一直想提高,只是不知道该怎么办。上了Jerry的课之后,我终于看到了方向。Jerry详细独到的讲解与指导是无与伦比的。他不仅使我们对发音的理解更为透切,也教授了很多技巧让我们将发音做得很到位。我相信,经过Jerry的细心指导以及hundreds of hours of practice,我的英文一定可以讲得很地道。此外,Jerry给我们将很多文化方面的东西,让我们更好的理解东西方文化。Jerry的人格魅力巨大。他总是那么精力充沛,那么幽默风趣,那么认真负责,让人觉得上这门课真的是很享受的一件事情。
Nick:再次点燃最初的梦想。在机会主义激进的时代,在浮躁和功利的氛围中,太容易迷失自我。如果还在谈论梦想,似乎被认为天真可笑,甚至于我们已经习惯于去嘲笑那些谈论梦想的人。。。。课堂上Jerry一句话,对于自己来说太有分量。这一句话再次触动了自己心中最初的梦想。感谢Jerry,感谢Jerry英语训练法,这样的训练法让我获得的不仅仅是通往native speaker之路,更多的是让我学会了什么是精益求精,什么是创造性,什么是广阔的视野,什么是无愧于心的坚持和奋斗。
Nick:再次点燃最初的梦想。在机会主义激进的时代,在浮躁和功利的氛围中,太容易迷失自我。如果还在谈论梦想,似乎被认为天真可笑,甚至于我们已经习惯于去嘲笑那些谈论梦想的人。。。。课堂上Jerry一句话,对于自己来说太有分量。这一句话再次触动了自己心中最初的梦想。感谢Jerry,感谢Jerry英语训练法,这样的训练法让我获得的不仅仅是通往native speaker之路,更多的是让我学会了什么是精益求精,什么是创造性,什么是广阔的视野,什么是无愧于心的坚持和奋斗。
Chris Hsu: Unlike the other English training courses, Jerry's lessons are the most special and creative ones that I've ever expereince. The beautiful pronunciation, the active attitide towards life, the amazing career experience, the "handsome"looking , all of those things just encourage and inspire us so much. Jerry made it happen. He brought so much difference into our lives.When it comes to the way of teaching, Jerry focus on the foundation of spoken English rather than fluency of English.Jerrry did this uniquely, he let us know the correct things through the funny way. Jerry shared English as well as himself with us. He taught us to find the beauty of a language, he also taught us to harboe a feeling of love to life, to believe, to walk out of our comfort zone bravely and hug the future with faith.
Ophelia:!This traininig is greatly helpful and impressive. I think Jerry's special method is useful. Honestly, Jerry os the most passionate and responsible teacher I have ever met. He has thousands of unusual methods to correct the wrong pronunciation, and he has thoundands of jokes and stories that could lead you really join in the class.
Haiyan: I have to say, I am such a lucky guy that I could ever be one of the members of Jerry's English training class
Ophelia:!This traininig is greatly helpful and impressive. I think Jerry's special method is useful. Honestly, Jerry os the most passionate and responsible teacher I have ever met. He has thousands of unusual methods to correct the wrong pronunciation, and he has thoundands of jokes and stories that could lead you really join in the class.
Haiyan: I have to say, I am such a lucky guy that I could ever be one of the members of Jerry's English training class
After going through his class, I realized, oh my goodness, there are so many subtle things that I didn’t know before. And those subtle differences are exactly what made up the Chinese accent. It turned out that I only have 4 or 5 correct sounds before the class, maybe even less.
I said earlier that even though I can say look, I can’t use it in other words. That was not efficient at all. I was learning word by word, not sound by sound. You may wonder, “What do you mean?” Okay, let me ask you. How many words in English? Innumerous. How may sounds in English? 40? 50? I don’t know, but it is very limited. So using your limited time to conquer the limited sounds is feasible, right? Then different words are just different combinations of sounds. Therefore, learning sounds is the most efficient way to improve your speaking. That’s exactly what Jerry and his class if doing. Speaking decent English in several months is not a dream!
After taking Part I, I got all the basic sounds. As long as I know the sound components of a word, I can say the word with confidence. In part II, I learned linking, stressing, condensing, and reducing rules. If I get a new article, I can independently work out how to read it properly.
Another benefit is my ears are trained so well that not only can I understand better, I can also pinpoint the problems in a speech. Do you know how valuable it is? Before I could only tell he or she had accent. I had no clue what caused the accent. Now, with my own ears I can even correct myself and other people, if they want, most of the time. I know I still make mistakes, but I have the tools to improve which I believe is a real treasure I gained from this class. It is just a matter of time to break the old habits and build up the new ones.
Now, you might want to know where I was before, right? I work in an office environment. Based on the company policy, I am supposed to update voice message every day, but I never do it unless I am going on vacation for a week or two, because I hate listening to it. I am not joking. Every time I listen to it, I want to vanish. How could people stand my poor English? It’s horrible. No wonder that promotions didn’t happen as they should.
It is an accepted fact that Chinese people are bright and capable. We all have a lot more potentials than being utilized. I am not expecting to win from English, but at least not to lose for it.
I truly believe that this is a unique, best of its kind English class, and really hope that more and more people can benefit from it just like I did. I am sure that money and time spent here is a good investment that’ll pay back.
Thank you, Jerry for your generous teaching. I enjoyed every minute of it.