1. I'm quick as a whistle.
2. Does Jesus have power, mommy? Yes. How much power does Jesus have - more than electric company?
3. Jenny, don't scratch yourself. You know skin is very important to a lady. No Mommy! Family is important to a lady.
4. I'm playing piano. I'm getting gooder. You mean better, Jenny? No. I'm getting gooder.
5. You're the best Mommy in the whole wide world. You're the best Mommy in the university. You mean universe? No, u-n-i-v-e-r-s-i-t-y.
6.  We're going to have meat ball for dinner. Yay, meat ball, does it bounce, Mommy? Boing, boing, boing.
7. At Jenny's SK graduation ceremony: oh no, I forgot the camera. Don't worry, mommy. You're here. Your mind can take pictures of me.
8. The roofers were doing some repairwork in her school before Christmas. Hearing their footsteps, Jenny stood up and told her teacher excitedly, "Mr. Ricci, Santa's on the roof!"
9. It's time to practice piano, Jenny. Can I play a little longer, mommy. No, it's time! Alas, you're my schedule, mommy. You're just not a sheet of paper.
10. Jenny had a sore throat and was not feeling well. (Mommy) I'm going to Longos to buy some groceries. To cheer you up, I'll let you pick a goody. On the way home, Jenny helped mommy carry two bags. (Mommy) You're such a sweet girl! When you were small, you cried a lot. I was so frustrated that I beat your butt. I felt bad when I had to punish you. (Jenny) It's ok, mommy. If you were always nice to me, I could be spoiled.
11. (Music teacher) In Sound of Music, what's Maria doing in the captain's house? (Jenny) To be a stepmother.
12. (Jenny) Tianyao, when you played with Yasmin (Jenny's cousin) and ignored me, I was very jealous. Have you ever been jealous? (Tianyao) Yes, when you were born and when people came to our house to see you and talked about how cute you were.
13. Jenny couldn't sleep when she heard the raindrops tapping on the tin roof: Mommy, it sounds like the angels are making bracelets. The bracelets break and the beads are falling to the ground.
14. We went to an Indian restaurant in our neighborhood. The food was delicious. In the first five minutes Jenny was using fork and knife to handle her Malay chicken with naan. Then she said: "This is so yummy. Forget manners! I'm gonna use my hands."
15. Jenny is at an age when she asks me a lot of questions: what's this? what's that?. What's this, daddy? This is a fly? What's that? Well, that is a fly, too. Strange, that's a fly with no wings. Should we call it a walk? Daddy, when a blind person finishes poo-pooing, how would he know if he has wiped his butt clean? He can't see it on toilet paper! Well, he can smell it. Yuck! Daddy, what's the difference between a smile and a laugh? I don't know. It's easy, daddy. A laugh is a smile with a hole in it. Daddy! Shhh, it's late now, honey. You close your eyes and go to sleep. (Lowering voice) Daddy, if a turtle loses his shell, is he homeless or naked?
16. Jenny knows I'm using her stories in my class. At one point, she asked me: am I famous now, Daddy? Yes, Jenny. Can I have your autograph?
Visit SpeakLikeALocal.com. Eric and Michael have partnered to launch a beta site to promote a lifestyle. It doesn't matter where we are, we don't really enjoy life unless we speak, think and live like a local. We appreciate your comments!
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