一家公司招聘database developer

To build a ASP.NET MVC system for tracking, reporting and payroll. The system will heavily rely on the Sharp Architecture framework and Razor view engine for ASP.NET MVC 3.


The qualified individual must be knowledgeable in the following:


Technical Requirements:
- ASP.NET MVC 3/4, Razor View Engine (Must have)
- Good understanding of nopCommerce architectural design and technical implementation (Must have)
- C# (Must have)
- ADO.NET Entity Framework (Must have)
- Strong MSSQL knowledge (Must have)
- CSS styling (Must have)
- Unit testing using NUnit 2.5 or greater
- Selenium or other web UI-testing system
- JQuery is plus
- DevExpress is big plus


Other requirements:
- A good command of the English language
- Great team player
- Quick learner
有意者请发送简历至:mariasun@rogers.com, 标注是否维多利亚学员, 上过什么课程
联系人: Maria

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