【实习职位】Financial Analyst
1. 熟练掌握Adv. Excel 技巧;
2. 英语流利;
3. 有财务背景者优先考虑。
本次实习机会只针对维多利亚学员,“Access & Excel VBA”、 “会计工作经验班”、“CPA证书经验班”学员优先考虑。
Toronto Western Hospital is one of leading teaching hospital at Toronto, member of University Health Network(UHN). UHN, consisting of Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital and Toronto Rehabilitation Institute.
Although we can not guarantee a permanent position, our former volunteers either hired by banks or stayed in UHN group. This experience is very valuable for those who want to develop a career in HealthCare.
请尽快申请,申请截止日期:2015年8月12日 (周三)。